Solar Rooftop Installation in Mumbai
We have specific knowledge about solar energy, what it is, how we can use it, etc. But other than that we don’t know anything about the power’s origin or any kinds of facts. Here in this article, we will see some interesting facts about solar energy. But before diving into the matter, let’s talk about Visol India.
Visol India is one of the best solar rooftop installation companies in India. They provide solar rooftop services and also do consultations and give you advice about how you can save your company’s or factory’s electricity bills by installing solar panels. Their website also offers a solar calculator where you can check how much solar energy you need for your industry.
Visol India believes that tomorrow’s sustainability lies in today’s solar energy and wants to make India a sustainable nation. You can use their services for solar rooftop installation.
So let’s focus on the interesting facts about solar power
Fact 1 Solar Energy is a tale as old as time
Solar energy is something modern that has only been made available to the public for the past 20–30 years, you might be surprised to learn that it’s a lot older than that. The New York Times first published the birth of solar technology in the mid-1950s.
Fact 2 As time passed, it got cheaper
During these years, we started to hear about Solar Power because the price of solar started to fall gradually. It was way too expensive in the 1950s compared to today. The price of solar cells has dropped 99% since 1977, bringing this energy source to more consumers.
Fact 3 Solar Panel’s Lifespan
Solar panels are not only cost-effective but also last long. They don’t need to be replaced for at least 40–50 years (if given good maintenance). They won’t last forever but they do give you value for your invested money. With Visol India, Solar rooftop installation in Mumbai is quite affordable and they also give you a good maintenance service.
Fact 4 Solar Power Works in Space too!
NASA embarked on solar technology earlier than most other organisations and agencies, using this energy source for other satellites and orbiters in the 1950s. Which means NASA used solar energy in space.
Fact 5 China Ranks One in Using Solar Power
The largest plant is located in the United States, but China produces more energy than any other country on the planet. They have created a standard for other countries about the use of solar panels. So these are some interesting facts about solar power.